Igbo People Of Nigeria (Benin)

By Osas Ayazuma
26 - 02 - 2016

Igbo is a corruption of the Edo word 'IGBON.' One Edo princess was raped by a Serspient half-human, half-ape. 

After she was raped, the people decided to isolate her, and see the outcome, she gave birth to twins-boy and girl, because of their appearance, the people called them IGBON. They didn't have friends, so the brother began to have sex with the sister, so they were chased away to go and settle away. It is like the ESAN, with different version, so is the Igbo, 

Ibo language. Rebels who later fled constitute the larger Igbo. The Igbon dynasty can still be traced till date, with the ape-like appearance. Odimegwu C. Ojukwu was a true Igbon, while Nnamdi Azikiwe traced is dynasty to Benin. 

That could explain, why Ojukwu wanted to kill Zik that time. Afra of Afia, migrated from Benin to a place now called OHA-AFIA or OHAFIA, he was a warrior who alongside his soldiers offered protection to business people. He didn't really rule over his soldiers as a King or Duke. Unless there's another Lord Afia or Lord Afra.

 The nursery rhyme go like "I am a farmer in my country Everybody know me well If you look me up and down You will know that it is true Sandalili (standard living) Sandalili (standard living) etc So a lot of words have been corrupted. The first Igbon were outcast, while other groups where either rebels, or seeking greener pastures. 

The Benin have been in existence for over 5,000years, to say that cola-nuts are grown by yoruba, sold by hausa and used by igbo is to undermine Edo.

 First Hausa cola-nut is called Gbagia or Igbagia while Edo uses Evbe. Igbo mixes their cola-nut with garden-eggs, which means their tradition must have been garden eggs until British came to enlighten them, just like the 1918 exposure of Yoruba kings to bear the title of Oba. The other guy said Obatala was the last Ooni before Oduduwa, was his name 

Oba TALA or Oba ATALA?
